Charcoal in Oral Care Products
There are several toothpastes currently on the market in the United States containing charcoal in one form or another. Each offers health and cosmetic benefits not available in other toothpastes. Manufacturers are making claims that these dentifrices can reduce tooth decay, help with tooth remineralization and particularly improve whitening of teeth.
While only a few of these toothpastes were found to contain fluoride, a recent exhaustive search of the literature found the truth on all these positive claims to be quite the opposite!
There are no lab studies or any scientific evidence to support any of these claims. In fact, many of these products will do exactly the opposite!
It is a well established fact that charcoal contains various polyaromatic hydrocarbons, some of which are regarded as human carcinogens.
Dr. Bryan Kariya and Dr. William Kohs recommend avoiding toothpastes or other oral health care products containing charcoal in any form.
Feel free to discuss this with us at your next visit. As always, our dental team is always available to address any concerns you have about oral care products. Don’t hesitate to call South Penn Dental OKC at (405) 681-6601.